понедельник, 31 января 2011 г.

Three sectors of the economy

Three sectors of the economy 
Sunlight flooded the cabin as the plane changed course. It was
  a bright, clear  morning. Robyn looked out of the window as
  England slid slowly by beneath them: cities and towns, their
  street plans like printed circuits, scattered over a mosaic of tiny
 fields, connected by the thin wires of railways and motorways.
  Hard to imagine at this height all the noise and commotion going
  on down there. Factories, shops, offices, schools, beginning the
  working day. People crammed into rush hour buses and trains, or
  sitting at the wheels of their cars in the traffic jams, or washing up
 breakfast things in the kitchens of pebble-dashed semis. All
  inhabiting their own little worlds, oblivious of how they fitted
  into the total picture. The housewife, switching on her electric
  kettle to make another cup of tea, gave no thought to the
  immense complex of operations that made that simple action
 possible: the building and maintenance of the power station that
  produced the electricity, the mining of coal or pumping of oil
  to fuel the generators, the laying of miles of cable to carry the
  current to her house, the digging and smelting and milling of ore
  or bauxite into sheets of steel or aluminum, the cutting and
 pressing and welding of the metal into the kettle's shell, spout
  and handle, the assembling of these parts with scores of other
  components-coils, screws, nuts, bolts, washers, rivets, wires,
  springs, rubber insulation, plastic trimmings; then the packaging
  of the kettle, the advertising of the kettle, the marketing of the
 kettle to wholesale and retail outlets, the transportation of the
  kettle to warehouses and shops, the calculation of its price, and
  the distribution of its added value between all the myriad people
  and agencies concerned in its production. The housewife gave
  no thought to all this as she switched on her kettle. Neither had
 Robyn until this moment, and it would never have occurred to
  her to do so before she met Vic Wilcox.

Cabina a fost invadata de lumina soarelui,odata ce avionul si-a schimbat cursa.Era o dimineata luminoasa si senina.Robyn s-a uitat pe geam, in timp ce Anglia luneca incet de sub ei : orase mari si mici,planurile lor de strada ca niste circuite imprimate,risipite asupra unui mozaic de cimpuri mici,unite de firele subtiri ale cailor ferate si autostrazi.  Greu de imaginat cum tot acest zgomot si agitatie se petrec acolo.Fabricile,magazinele,oficiile,scolile isi incep ziua de lucru.Oamenii s-au ticsit in autobuze si trenuri in timpul orelor de virf, statind pe linga rotile masinelor lor in ambuteiaje, sau spalindu-si vasele in bucatarii in urma semifabricantelor. Fiecare fiind preocupat cu chestiile sale personale, intru totul incadrindu-se in priveliste. Gospodina, conectind ceainicul electric pentru a-si pregati o cana de ceai ,nici nu s-a gindit la imensul sistem de operatiuni,care fac aceasta actiune simpla posibila:constructia si intretinerea centralei elctrice care produce electricitatea,minierea carbunelui sau pomparea uleiului generatoarelor,intinderea milelor de cabluri care transmit curentul pina la  case,saparea si macinarea minereului sau bauxitei in foi de otel sau aluminiu,presarea si sudarea metalului in coaja ceainicului,gura de scurgere si minerul,montarea acestor parti cu ajutorul altor componente: bobine,suruburi,piulite,bolduri,saibe,nituri,fire,arcuri,izolatie de cauciucuri, garnituri din material plastic,apoi ambalarea ceainicului,promovarea ceainicului, comercializarea acestuia la depozit si magazine,calcularea pretului si distribuirea valorilor sale adaugate printre un numar vast de oameni si agenti preocupati de productia lui.Gospodina nici nu s-a gindit la toate acestea cind a conetat ceainicul sau.Nici Robyn nu a facut acest lucru pina la acest moment , si nici nu s-ar fi intimplat daca ea nu l-ar fi intinit pe Vic Wilcox.

Три сектора экономики 

Солнечный свет заполнял кабину по мере того, как самолёт менял свой курс. Утро было светлым и безоблачным. Робин выглядывала в иллюминатор по мере того, как Англия медленно проплывала под ним: городские улицы, похожие на напечатанные на бумаге планы городов, рассыпанных в мозаике крохотных полей, связанных тонкими линиями дорог и железнодорожных путей. C такой высоты было трудно представить себе весь шум и суматоху, царившие внизу. Фабрики, магазины, офисы, школы, начинают свой рабочий день. Люди, толкающиеся в автобусах и поездах в час пик, или сидящие за рулём своих машин в пробках, или моющие посуду на кухне после завтрака приготовленного из полуфабрикатов. Каждый крутится в своём маленьком мирке, естественно вписывающемся в общую картину. Домохозяйка, включающая чайник для того, чтобы заварить себе чашечку чая, даже представить себе не могла весь тот безмерный комплекс действий, делающий этот простой процесс возможным: устройство и поддержку  электростанции, производящей электричество, добычу угля или выкачивание нефти, чтобы обеспечить топливо для электрогенераторов, прокладку  кабелей на сотни миль для того, чтобы доставить ток к ней домой, добычу, переплавку, прессовку руды или бокситов в листы стали или алюминия, весь процесс нарезки, прессовки и сварки металла для того, чтобы получить каркас чайника, его ручку и носик, сбор всех этих деталей в единое целое с использованием множества других компонентов - катушек, винтиков, гаек, болтов, заклёпок, проводов, пружин, изоляции, пластиковой гарнитуры; затем, упаковка чайника, его реклама, маркетинг для оптовых и розничных магазинов, перевозка чайников на склады и в магазины, расчёт конечной стоимости и распределение добавочной стоимости среди тысяч людей и компаний, участвующих в производстве. Домохозяйка никогда не задумывается обо всём этом при включении чайника. Впрочем, Робин тоже не думала об этом, и так бы никогда и не подумала, если бы не встретила Вика Вилкокса.

1. Comprehension

1. In lines 4-7, Robyn sees examples of all three. What are they?

2. The long sentence from lines 12-28 lists a large number of operations belonging to the different sectors of the economy. Classify the 18 activities from the passage according to which sector they belong to.

2. Discussion
Which sector do you intend to work in or do you already work in? How do you 'fit in the total picture' ?

3. Manufacturing and services

Two hundred years ago, the vast majority of the population of virtually every country lived in the countryside and worked in agriculture. Today , in what many people call ‘the advanced industrialized countries’, only 2-3 % of the population earn their living from agriculture. But some people already talk about ‘the post industrial countries’, because of the growth of service industries, and the decline of manufacturing, which is moving to ‘the developing countries’.

 Is manufacturing industry important? Is its decline in the ‘advanced’ countries inevitable? Will services adequately replace it?

4. Reading

 We worry about unemployment and the loss of manufacturing industry in the advanced industrial countries only because we don’t look at the larger social developments. The US, for example, no longer depends on heavy industry for employment to the extent that it once did.
 This is related to a larger fact that has attracted very little discussion. After a country’s people are supplied with the physical objects of consumption, they go on the concern about their design. They go on to an enormous industry persuading people they should buy these goods; they go on to the arts, entertainment, music, amusement-these become the further, later stages of employment. And these are things that are extremely important.
 Paris, London, New York and so on do not live on manufacturing; they live on design and entertainment. We do not want to consider that this is the solid substance of economics, but it is.
 I don’t think it is possible to stop this progressive change in the patterns of human consumption. It is inevitable.

  1. Why do people worry about the decline of manufacturing?
  2. Which activities are as important as the production of goods?
  3.  Should people worry about this state of affairs?

Edit by:
Elena Ursu

четверг, 20 января 2011 г.

Entertainment break


English for Business Studies. Ian MacKenzie
Unit 6. Recruitment, page 33
Since coming to university i have played in the womens hockey team.We have twice won tje national university championship,and are also well-placed this year,with one month of the season still to go.
  • My mother is French,and because my father works for a multinational company,i grew up in four different countries.I did all my schooling in French but i also speak (and write) fluent Spanish and Portugues.I can also understand (North African) Arabic,but speak it less well.
  • I realize tha my background (qualifications and experience) is probably no better than that of many other applicants,but i am particularly interested in a marketing position in a telecommunications company,because i have collected telephone cards ever since they were first introduced.I have an extensive collection,including cards from 17 differents countries.
  • Employment:
    Sutardays,1990-93,and full-time July 1994,Right Price food store,West End Avenue (shelf-filling)
    July 1995,Port Authority Bus Terminal,Eighth Avenue (bus cleaner)
    August-September 1995,grape-picking,Nepa Valley,California
    November 1995-now,tourist guide at St Patricks Cathedral,5th Avenue(Saturdays).
  • I have travelled extensively during my last three summer vacations.In 1994,i travelled around the Mediterranean (Spain,France,Italy,Greece) for ten weeks.In 1995,i went to Florida for a month,and i spennt six weeks in Bali in 1996.I have consequentely met a great many people from many different cultures,and i am absolutely convinced that this makes me suitable for a position in international marketing,and that your company would have a great deal to gain from employing me.
  • As you will see from my CV,i scored an average of 91% in my university examinations (94% at the end of the first year,87%in my second year,and 92% in my final uear exams).I stayed on to do a post-graduate degree in finances and bancking,and was encouraged to extend my Masters dissertation into a doctorate,wich i have done in the past ten months.I expect to be awarded my PhD in six weeks time.
  • I have played the piano since the age of five.I won schoolarships to summer schools in New York and Switzerland,but at the age of 19 decided to sudy economics rather than attempt to become a professional musician (since the world is full of good pianists).                                                                                                                           
Unit 6.Translation of the Text "Recruitment"  Romanian Version

1. De la venirea la universitate am jucat in echipa de hockey de fete.Noi am cistigat de 2 ori campionatul national universitar,si suntem bine plasati si in acest an,cu o luna inainte de finalul sezonului.
2. Mama mea este frantuzoaica,si din cauza ca tatal meu lucreaza pentru o companie multinationala,eu am crescut in 4 tari diferite.La scoala am invatat in franceza,dar eu mai vorbesc(si scriu) fluent spaniola,si portugheza.Eu insa inteleg si (nord-africana) araba,dar o vorbesc mai putin bine.
3. Realizez ca autobiografia mea(calificare si experienta) nu este probabil mai bun decit acelea ale multor altor aplicanti,dar eu sint in special interesata pentru pozitie de marketing intr-o companie de telecomunicatii,fiindca am colecatat cartele de telefoane mereu inca de cind ele au fost pentru prima data introduse.Am o colectie foarte extinsa,incluzind cartele din 17 tari diferite.
Simbetele,1990-93,si norma intraga Iulie 1994,Pretul Corect magazin alimentar,Sfirsitul Bulevardului de Vest (asistent).
Iulie 1995,Autoritatea Portului Terminalul de Autobuse,al 18lea bulevard (curatator de autobuse).
August-September 1995,culegerea strugurilor,Valea Nepa,California.
Noiembrie 1995-acuma,ghid turistic la Catedrala Sf.Petru,5lea bulevard (Simbetele) .
5. Eu am calatorit intensiv in decursul ultimelor 3 vacante de vara ale mele.In 1994,eu am
calatorit dea lungul Mediteranei(Spania,Franta,ItaliaGrecia) pentru 10 saptamini.In 1995
am fost in Florida pentru o luna,si am petrecut 6 saptamini in Bali in 1996.Prin urmare eu
am intilnit multi oameni din o multime de culturi diferite,si eu sunt absolut convinsa ca
aceasta ma face pe mine potrivita pentru o pozitie in marketingul international,si ca
compania dumneavoastra ar obtine un mare cistig cu angajarea mea.
6. Asa cum dumneavoastra veti vedea in CV-ul meu,am avut o medie de 91% la examenele
universitare(94% la finele primului an,87% la finele anului doi,si 92% la examenele
din ultimul an).Am ramas sa fac si masteratul la Finante si Banci,si am fost incurajat
sa continui teza mea de masterat intruna de doctorat,pe care am facuto in ultimele 10
luni,astept sa fie premiat PhD meu in urmatoarele 6 saptamini.
7. Cint la pian de la 5 ani.Am cistigat burse la scoli de vara in New York si Elvetia,dar la 19
am decis sa studie economia mai degraba decit sa incerc sa devin un muzician profesionist
(fiindca lumae e plina de pianisti buni).

Unit 6.Translation of the Text "Recruitment"  Russian Version

Однажды настанет момент, когда ты, будучи выпускником экономического факультета, будешь искать свою первую работу. К сожалению, многие из тех, с кем ты учился, а также и те, кого ты даже не знаешь, возможно также будут претендовать на ту же должность, что и ты. И скорее всего, ваши опыт и умения будут примерно одинаковыми. Первым шагом будет отправка резюме. Но как же пройти первичный отбор? Какие именно черты кандидата больше всего привлекают компании, набирающие молодых специалистов?
Какие из последующих отрывков резюме либо сопроводительных писем вам кажутся наиболее удачными для того, чтобы кандидат был вызван на интервью? почему?

С самого начала учебы в университете я играла в женской хоккейной команде. Мы дважды выиграли университетские соревнования. В этом году у нашей команды также неплохие шансы, до конца сезона еще есть целый месяц.
Моя мама француженка, а так как мой отец работает в многонациональной команде, я вырос в четырех разных странах. В школе я учился на французском, но я также свободно говорю и пишу на испанском и португальском. Я также понимаю арабский, но не так хорошо на нем говорю.
Я понимаю, что мои знания и опыт возможно ничем особенным не отличаются от качеств других аппликантов, но я заинтересован в получении должности в маркетинговом отделе телекоммуникационной компании потому, что я собираю телефонные карточки с самого начала их появления. У меня впечатляющая коллекция, в которой есть карточки с 17 разных стран.
Я очень много путешествовал в последние 3 летних каникул. В 1994 я путешествовал по средиземноморскому региону (Испания, Франция, Италия, Греция) 10 недель. В 1995 я поехал во Флориду на месяц, а в 1996 я провел 6 недель на Бали. Я повстречал очень много разных интересных людей из разных культур, и я абсолютно убежден, что это делает меня подходящим для должности в международном маркетинге, и что ваша компания поступит правильно, наняв меня.
Как вы можете видеть из моего резюме, я набрал 91% по итогам университетских экзаменов (94% в конце первого года, 87% в конце 2-го года и 92% в конце последнего года). Я продолжил обучение в университете и получил квалификацию в специальности «Банки и финансы» и мне также предложили получить докторскую степень, которую я получил в последующие 10 месяцев. Ожидается, что я получу докторскую степень в следующие 6 недель.
Я играл на пианино с 5 лет. Я выиграл летнее обучение в школах Нью-Йорка и Швейцарии, но в 19 лет я решил изучать экономику, а не пытаться стать профессиональным музыкантом (потому что в мире и так много хороших пианистов).
Filling a vacancy

1a Vocabulary (Unit 6. Recruitment)

Insert the following words in the gaps in the text below : Applicant application application form apply candidate
Curriculum vitae or CV(GB) or resume (US) employment agencies
Interview job description job vacancies references short-listed
Many people looking for work read the (1) ……………………………….. advertised in newspapers by companies and (2) ……………………………….. . To reply to an advertisement is to (3) ………………………………..
for a job. (you become a (4) ……………………………….. or an (5) ……………………………….. .)
You write an (6) ……………………………….. , or fill in the company’s (7) ……………………………….. , and send it, along with your (8) ……………………………….. And a covering letter. You often have to give the names of two people who are prepared to write (9) ……………………………….. For you. If your qualifications and abilities match the (10) ……………………………….. , you might be (11) ……………………………….. , i.e. selected to attend an (12) ……………………………….. .

1b Dicussion (Unit 6. Recruitment)
When employers ‘give notice’ , i.e. inform their employer that they will be leaving the company (as soon as their contract allows), in what order hould the company carry out the following steps?

A either hire a job agency (or for a senior post, a firm of headhunters),or advertise the vacancy
B establish whether there is an internal candidate who could be promoted (or moved sideways) to the job
C examine the job description for the post, to see whether it needs to be changed for indeed, whether the post needs to be filled)
D follow up the references of candidates who seem interesting
E invite the short-listed candidates for an interview
F make a final selection
G receive applications, curricula vitae and covering letters, and make a preliminary selection (a short list)
H try to discover why the person has resigned
I write to all the other candidates to inform them that they have been unsuccessful
                                             Video (Recruitment)

1)Answer the questions:

1.What is Recruitment)?
2.What are the advantages of a big company recruitment?
3.What benefits did a multinational financing company get after recruitments in mass?
4.Why did the multinational financing company continue to recruit?
5.What problems did a large specialty retailer face with recruitments?
6.What did the companies changed/introducing in their policy during the implementation TDB recruitment?
7.What has changed after the implementing of CV recruitments?
8.What problems did an Australian company after they have been recruiting workers from their   rival company?
9.What has happened in African MCS after recruitment bussines? What are the results?

2)What the words below were used for in the video:
1.recruitment process management;
2.toughest recruitment TDB;
3.5 million people;
4.advantages of recruitment for multinational financing company;
5.a large economical move;
6.dicrease inflation by 40%;
7.needed more agility in its business and operations support system;
8.dynamic recruitment;
9.industry frameworks.

3)True or False questions:

1.Recruitment is business product marketing.
2.Everyday organizations around the world face with mountain of recruitment applications.
3.Companies powered by smart recruitment system solved big economical inflations.
4.The implementation of recruitment helped a multinational financing company to save 10 billion people.
5.A multinational financing company continued to apply for continuous process recruitment and for identifying cost savings.
6.A large specialty retailer faced with a problem of lack in qualified sales managers,cause by a bad recruitment management.
7.A large specialty retailer has implemented recruitment in order to solve personal problems.
8.An Australian Mobile Communications service provider needed more agility in its business.

4)Fill in the following statements:

1.Recruitment is business ... management.
2.Everyday organizations around the world face with ...
3.Companies powered by ... from recruitment can help you solve big economical inflations.
4.Recruiting faster ... in any economic climate.
5.The implementation of recruitment helped ... to save 5 million people.
6.A large specialty retailer has increased sales by ...
7.A large specialty retailer faced with a problem of ...
8.... makes getting started and obtaining fast economical grow.
9.An Australian Mobile Communications service provider needed ... in its business.
10.... has implemented recruitment in order to solve personal problems

Job vacancies 2. Employment agencies 3. Apply 4. Candidate 5. Applicant
Application 7. application form 8. Curriculum vitae (CV) or resume 9. References
10. job description 11. Short-listed 12. Interview
2 Women in management
2a Discussion
Why are there so few women in senior managerial poitions?
Should this situation change? If so, do you think it will change? How? When?

What advantages or disadvantages would a larger proportion of women in management positions bring to business in general?

Do you support affirmative action or positive discrimination programs which attempt to employ women or members of minority groups in preference to equally qualified white male candidates?
2b Listening
You will hear Gill Lewis, formerly the Senior Vice-President for Human Resources and Corporate Affairs of Nestle, talking about the role of women in management. Listen to the interview ,and then answer these questions.
Why is Gill Lewis not especially proud of having been British Businesswoman of the Year back in the 1970’s.
What does she mean when she says that during that period she was a great disappointment to the media?
How exactly does she define the traditional roles of men and women over millennia (thousands of years)?
Gill Lewis lists at least three areas in which women finishing business studies now have advantages that no previous generation has had, in terms of their husbands (or partners), employers, and their fellow students.What are they?
What do you think she means when she says that ‘employers are going to have to make some allowances?
What is her objection to affirmative action programmes?

ANSWERS : 2b listening
Because there were hardly any businesswomen at the time , o there was virtually no competition).
The media expected her to explain the secret of being a successful businesswoman, and she replied that it was no different from being a successful businessman.
The man is the hunter and gatherer ( i.e. the food provider ) while the woman is the mother and home provider.
Men are now more prepared to share the responsibility for bringing up children; employers are now aware that if they want to hire competent women they are going to have to make some allowances; and their fellow students are better prepared to treat them as equals.
To make allowances here means to accept that women have to be treated differently from men, given maternity leave, and perhaps occasional time off to look after their children in emergencies, and so on.
Where there are affirmative action programmes , people will automatically assume that a woman only got a particular job because she’s a woman, not because she’s competent.

Made by : Comanac Ion & Vladislav Ovseanic


Theory X and theory Y

Brandusa Maria 
Cheptea Nicoleta

Theory X and Theory Y.

"English for business studies",Ian MacKenzie
 (unit 4, page25)

In the Human side of enterprise, Douglas McGregor outlined two opposing theories of work and motivation. What he calls Theory X is the traditional approach to workers and working which assumes that people are lazy and dislike work, and that they have to be both threatened (for example, with losing their job) and rewarded. It assumes that most people are incapable of taking responsibility for themselves and have to be looked after. Theory Y, on the contrary, assumes that people have a psychological need to work and want achievement and responsibility.
Later theorists argued that Theory Y makes much greater demands on both workers and managers than McGregor realized. Abraham Maslow, for example, spent a year studying a Californian company that used Theory Y, and concluded that its demands for responsibility and achievement are excessive for many people. He pointed out that there are always weak and vulnerable people, with little self-discipline, who need protection against the burden of responsibility. Even strong and healthy people need the security of order and direction. Managers cannot simply substitute Theory Y for Theory X. They have to replace the security provided by Theory X with a different structure of security and certainty.

Translation of the text "Theory x and theory y",romanian variant

În lucrarea sa "Latura umană a înterprinderii",autorul Douglas McGregor a evidenţiat două teorii opuse cu referire la munca şi motivaţie.Ceea,ce el denumeşte Teoria X este abordarea tradiţională a lucrătorilor şi a funcţionării ,care presupune că oamenii sunt leneşi,nu le place munca şi ei trebuie să fie atît ameninţaţi(de exemplu,pierzîndu-şi locul de muncă),cît şi remuneraţi.Aceasta presupune că majoritatea oamenilor sunt incapabili de a-şi asuma responsabilitatea şi ei trebuie sa fie supravegheaţi.Teoria y,dimpotrivă,presupune că oamenii au o necesitate psihologică de a munci şi sa-şi asume realizări şi responsabităţi.
Teoreticienii ulteriori au susţinut că Teoria Y are o cerinţă mult mai mare,decît a realizat McGregor,atît pentru lucrători,cît şi pentru manageri.De exemplu,Abraham Maslow,a petrecut un an studiind o companie din California,care utiliza Teoria Y,şi a concluzionat că cerinţele acesteia faţă de responsabilitaţi şi realizări,sînt în exces pentru mulţi oameni.El a accentuat că întotdeauna au existat persoane slabe şi vulnerabile,cu un nivel insuficient de autodisciplină,care au nevoie de protecţie împotriva povării responabilităţii.Chiar şi oamenii rezistenţi şi sănătoşi au nevoie de securitate ordinii şi direcţiei.Managerii ,pur şi simplu, nu pot să substituie Teoria Y cu teoria X. Aceştia trebuie să înlocuiască securitatea promovată de teoria X cu o structură diferită a securităţii şi certitudinii.

Translation of the text "Theory x and theory y",russian variant

В своей работе “Человеческая сторона предприятия” Дуглас МакГрегор выделил две противоположных теории труда и мотивации. То, что он называет теорией Х - традиционный подход к работникам и работе, который предполагает, что люди ленивы и не любят работать, и что их надо одновременно запугивать (например, потерей работы) и вознаграждать. Эта теория утверждает, что большинство людей неспособны брать на себя ответственность и должны быть под присмотром. Теория Y, наоборот, предполагает, что у людей есть психологическая потребность работать, желание добиваться своих целей и брать на себя ответственность.
В последствии, теоретики утверждали, что теория Y предъявляет к рабочим и менеджерам куда большие требования, чем представлял себе МакГрегор. Эбрэхэм Маслоу, например, провёл год в калифорнийской компании, работающей по теории Y, и пришел к выводу, что её требования к ответственности и достижениям чрезмерны для многих людей. Он заметил, что всегда есть слабые и уязвимые, недисциплинированные люди, которым необходима защита от бремени ответственности. Даже сильные и здоровые люди нуждаются в указаниях. Менеджеры не могут просто так заменить теорию X на теорию Y. Они должны заменить гарантии, предоставляемые теорией X другой схемой гарантий и уверенности.

1d Summarizing (page 25)

Read the text again and complete the following sentences, using your own words as much as possible.
1 According to Theory X, employers have to threaten workers because...
2 According to Theory Y, employers should give their workers responsibilities because...
3 Maslow criticized Theory Y because...
4 Maslow argued that even though they might want to be given responsibilities at work...

I. Watch the video and answer the questions:
1) Who was the author of Theory X and Theory Y?
a) A. Maslow
b) D. McGregor
c) A. Smith
d) M. Friedmen

2) What factors were important both for workers and economics, according to theory of McGregor?
a) social needs
b) money
c) qualification
d) responsibility

3) What motivation factor can be considered as a social one ?
a) second
b) dominant
c) additional
d) first

4) When did McGregor write his book about Theory X and theory Y?
a) 1985
b) 1623
c) 1960
d) XVI century.

5) What is the title of this book?
a) "The human side of entreprise"
b) "People's relations"
c) "Theory of management"
d) "Ideas and innovations"

6) What types were managers divided into?
a) Financial and executive managers
b) Promotion and marketing managers
c) Theory X and theory Y managers
d) Top and medium-level managers

7) How are employees considered,according to Theory X?
a) pessimistic
b) optimistic
c) indifference
d) important

8)Which theory is similar to Theory X?
a) Confucianism
b) Taylorism
c) Keynesism
d) Legilism

9) According to the theory Y, how do employees view their job?
a) as a burden imposed on them
b) as a pleasure
c) as a responsibility
d) as a promotional tool

10) According to the theory Y, employess can be...
a) source of valuable insights and innovations
b) additional labour force
c) slaves
d) potential customers

II. In what context these words were used:

2)Theory X
3)social needs
4)desire to work
5)Theory Y managers
6)work as a burden
7)sources of innovations
9)The human side of entreprise
10)Avoid responsibility

III. Fill in the following statements:
a) D.McGregor asserted _________ were just as important both to workers and economics.
b) D.McGregor divided managers on _________ managers and Theory Y managers.
c) Name of McGregor's book is "The _______ side of entreprise".
d) Theory X is _____ to Taylorism/scientific management.
e) The theory Y says that _______ don't view work as a burden imposed on them.
f) In theory ____ employees can be the source of innovations.
g) ______ factor can be dominant motivational factor.
h) McGregor wrote "The human side of entreprise" in ___ .
i) Theory X assemed that employees ______ work and avoid responsibility.
j) Theory Y assumed that employees take a voluntary, _____ interest in their work.

IV. True/False questions.
1) Adam Smith was the author of Theory X and Y.
2) According to the theory X and theory Y ,there are no differences between employees.
3) Theory X assumes that employees like work.
4) Theory X is similar to Taylorism.

5) Theory Y takes an optimistic view of employees.
6) In both theories people avoid responsibility.
7) Managers can use only theory X on practise.
8) The book "The human side of entreprice" was written in 1960.
9) According to the theory Y employees don't view work as a burden imposed on them.
10) Social factor can be the dominant motivational factor.

понедельник, 17 января 2011 г.

English for Business Studies,Ian Mackenzie,Unit 2, Management.

What is Management?, p.13
Peter Drucker, the well-known American business professor and consultant, suggests that  the work of a manager can be divided into planning(setting objectives), organizing , integrating(motivating and communicating), measuring, and developing people.
-First of all, managers(especially senior managers such as company chairmen-and women- and directors) set objectives, and decide how their organization can achieve them. This involves developing strategies, plans and precise tactics, and allocating resources of people and money.
-Secondly, managers organize. They analyse and classify the activities of the organization and the relations among them. They divide the work into manageable   activities and then into individual jobs. They select people to manage these units and
perform the jobs.
-Thirdly, managers practise the social skills of motivation and communication. They also have to communicate objectives to the people responsible for attaining them. They have to make the people who are responsible for performing individual jobs form teams.They make decisions about pay and promotion.As well as organizing and supervising the work of their subordinates, they have to work with people in other areas and functions.
-Fourthly, managers have to measure the performance of their staff, to see whether the objectives set for the organization as a whole and for each individual member of it are being achieved.
-Lastly, managers develop people- both their subordinates and themselves.
Obviously, objectives occasionally have to be modified or changed. It is generally the job of a company's top managers to consider the needs of the future, and to take responsibility for innovation, without which any organization can only expect a limited life. Top managers also have to manage a business's relations with costumers ,suppliers,distributors, bankers, investors, neighbouring communities, public authorities, and so on,as well as deal with any major crises which arise. Top managers are appointed and supervised and advised (and dismissed) by a company' board of directors.
Although the tasks of a manager can be analysed and classified in this fashion, management is not entirely scientific.It is a human skill. Business professors obviously believe that intuition and 'instinct' are not enough; there are management skills that have to be learnt. Drucker, for example, wrote over 20 years ago that  'Altogether this entire book is based on the proposition that the days of the 'intuitive' manager are numbered', meaning that they were coming to an end. But some people are clearly good at management, and others are not. Some people will be unable to put management techniques into practice. Others will have lots of technoque, but few good ideas. Outstanding managers are rather rare.

Unit 2, TRANSLATION of the Text "What is management?",Unit 2 , Russian Variant
Что такое менеджмент?
Питер Дракер, известный американский профессор и консультант в области бизнеса, полагает, что работу менеджера можно поделить на планирование(назначение целей), организацию, интегрирование(мотивирование и общение), измерение, развитие людей.
-Прежде всего, управляющие ( особенно старшие, такие как президенты компаний-мужчины и женщины- и директора) устанавливают цели, и решают, каким образом организация может их достичь. Это включает в себя стратегии развития, планы и детальную тактику, и распределение человеческих и денежных ресурсов.
-Во-вторых, менеджеры организуют. Они анализируют и классифицируют деятельности организации и отношения между ними. Они разделяют работу на управляемую деятельность и затем на индивидуальные задания. Они выбирают людей, которые будут справляться с этими заданиями и выполнять работу.
-В-третьих, менеджеры практикуют социальные навыки мотивации и коммуникации. Им также приходится обсуждать цели с людьми,которые ответственны за их достижение. Они должны заставлять людей, отвечающих за выполнение индивидуальных работ, формировать команды. Они принимают решения о зарплате и поощрениях. Наряду с организацией и контролем работы их подчиненных, им нужно работать с людьми в других областях и функциях.
-В-четвертых, менеджеры должны определять рабочие качества их штата, следить за достижением целей, установленных для организации в целом и для каждого отдельного её члена.
-Наконец, менеджеры развивают людей- и своих подчинённых и самих себя. 
Очевидно, что иногда цели нужно изменять или заменять. В целом, это работа топ-менеджеров компании рассматривать требования будущего и принимать ответственность за нововведения, без которых любая организация может ожидать только ограниченную жизнь.
Также топ-менеджеры должны заниматься деловыми отношениями с клиентами, поставщиками, распространителями, банкирами, инвесторами, соседствующими сообществами, органами гос.власти, и т.д., также как иметь дело с любыми возникшими кризисами. Топ-менеджеры назначаются, контролируются и советуются(отклоняются) советом директоров компании.
Хотя задачи менеджера могут быть анализируемы и классифицируемы таким образом, управление не является полностью научным. Это человеческий навык. Профессора в области управления очевидно верят, что интуиции и «инстинкта» не достаточно; существуют управленческие навыки, которые нужно изучать. Дракер, например, написал более 20 лет назад, что «В целом вся эта книга основана на суждении, что дни «интуитивного» менеджера сочтены», т.е. подходят к концу. Но некоторые люди хороши в управлении, а другие нет. Некоторые люди не смогут осушествить методы управления на практике. Другие будут обладать множеством методов, но у них будет мало хороших идей. Выдающиеся менеджеры довольно редки.
Что такое менеджмент?
Питер Дракер, известный американский профессор и консультант в области бизнеса, считает, что работу менеджера можно разделить на планирование (установку целей), организаторскую работу, интегрирование (мотивацию и общение), измерение и развитие людей.
  • Во-первых, менеджеры (особенно, менеджеры старшего звена, такие как председатели и директора) устанавливают цели и решают, как их организация может эти цели достигнуть. Сюда относится развитие стратегий, планов и тактик, а также выделение человеческих и денежных ресурсов.
  • Во-вторых, менеджеры проводят организаторскую работу. Они анализируют и классифицируют работы, производимые в организации и их взаимосвязи. Они разделяют работу на отдельные процессы, а их, в свою очередь, на задания. Они выбирают людей, для управления этими элементами и решения этих задач.
  • В-третьих, менеджеры используют такие социальные навыки, как мотивация и организация сотрудников. Они также должны доносить цели до людей, ответственных за их исполнение. Они должны помогать людям, выполняющим определённые задания формировать команды. Они принимают решения о зарплате и повышениях, а также организуют и наблюдают за работой своих подчинённых. Они должны работать с людьми из других областей деятельности.
  • В-четвёртых,  менеджеры должны оценивать производительность своих работников для того чтобы понять, достигаются ли цели поставленные перед организацией в целом, и работниками в частности.
  • И, наконец, менеджеры развивают людей - как своих подчинённых, так и самих себя.

Очевидно, что цели иногда приходится дополнять или изменять. Обычно, именно менеджеры старшего звена должны оценивать будущие потребности, оценивать необходимость инноваций, без которых компания не сможет долго держаться на плаву. Менеджеры высшего звена должны устанавливать деловые отношения  с клиентами, поставщиками, дистрибьюторами, банкирами, инвесторами, соседними обществами, государственными структурами и так далее, точно так же, как и справляться с возникающими кризисами. А совет директоров, в свою очередь, назначает, проверяет,  консультирует (и увольняет) менеджеров высшего звена.
Несмотря на то, что задачи менеджера могут быть проанализированы и классифицированы подобным образом, менеджмент не целиком и полностью является наукой.  Это - умение. Очевидно, что исследователи в области бизнеса полагают, что интуиции и “инстинкта” недостаточно, существуют навыки управления, которым следует учиться. Например, Дракер более 20ти лет назад написал, что “в целом, вся эта книга основана на утверждении о том, что дни №интуитивных” менеджеров сочтены”*, этим он хочет сказать, что им приходит конец. Но одни люди определённо хорошо справляются с задачами менеджмента, а другие - нет. Некоторые люди не смогли бы применить техники менеджмента на практике. Другие будут хорошо владеть техниками менеджмента, но у них будет мало хороших идей. Выдающиеся менеджеры довольно редки.

Unit 2, TRANSLATION of the text "What is management?", Romanian  variant
Peter Drucker, profesor cunoscut şi consultant de afaceri american, sugerează că
lucrul unui manager poate fi împărţit în planificarea (stabilirea obiectivelor), organizarea,
integrarea (motivarea şi comunicarea), măsurarea, precum şi dezvoltarea oamenilor.
-Mai întâi de toate, managerii (in special senior manageri, cum ar fi preşedinte de companie-doamne, domni şi directori) stabilesc obiective, şi decidă modul în care organizaţia lor le poate atinge. Aceasta
implică strategii de dezvoltare, planuri şi tactici de precizie, şi alocarea resurselor de oameni şi bani.
-În al doilea rând, managerii organizeaza. Ei analizeaza şi clasifica activităţile organizaţiei şi relaţiile dintre ele. Ei divizeaza munca in activitati manageriale şi apoi în locuri de muncă individuale. Ei selecteaza oamenii in scopul gestionarii acestor unităţi şi efectuarii muncii.
-În al treilea rând, managerii practică abilităţile sociale de motivaţie şi de comunicare. De asemenea, trebuie să comunice obiectivele persoanelor responsabile de atingerea acestora. Ei
trebuie să facă oamenii care sunt responsabili pentru efectuarea lucrului individual sub forma de echipe.
Ei iau decizii cu privire la remunerare şi promovare(avansare in grad).Precum organizarea şi supravegherea
activitatii subordonaţilor lor,ei trebuie să lucreze cu oamenii în alte domenii şi funcţii.
-În al patrulea rând, managerii trebuie să măsoare performanţa personalului lor, pentru a vedea dacă obiectivele stabilite pentru organizaţie ca întreg şi pentru fiecare membru al ei au fost îndeplinite.
-În sfârşit, managerii ii dezvolta pe oameni-atât pe subordonaţii lor cit şi pe ei înşişi.
Evident, obiectivele trebuie să fie modificate sau schimbate ocazional. Acesta, în general,este  munca managerilor de frunte ai unei companii, să ia în considerare necesitatile viitorului, şi să îşi asume responsabilitatea pentru inovatie, fără de care orice organizaţie se pot aştepta doar la  o viata limitata(fara viitor).Managerii de frunte, de asemenea, trebuie să gestioneze(stabileasca) relaţiile de afacere cu clientii, furnizorii, distribuitorii, bancherii, investitorii, comunităţile învecinate, autorităţile publice, şi aşa mai departe, precum şi sa faca faţă oricăror crize majore care apar.Ei(managerii superiori)sunt numiţi,supravegheati şi consultati (şi destituiti) de către societatea "consiliului de administraţie".
Deşi sarcinile unui manager pot fi analizate şi clasificate în acest mod, managementul nu este în întregime scientific.Acesta este o abilitate umana.Profesorii(persoanele) de afaceri, evident, cred că intuiţia şi "instinctul" nu sunt suficiente; există aptitudini ale managementlui care trebuie să fie învăţate. Drucker, de exemplu, a scris peste 20 de ani în urmă, că "Cu desavirsire, această carte pe deplin se bazează pe ideea că zilele unui manager "intuitiv" sunt numerotate", în sensul că acestea se apropiau de sfârşit. Dar unii oameni sunt chiar buni la conducere, iar alţii nu sunt. Unii oameni nu vor avea posibilitatea de a pune în practică tehnici ale managementului. Altele vor avea o mulţime de tehnici, dar putine idei bune.Manageri  remarcabili sunt mai degrabă(bineinteles) rari.

Questions after the text " What is management?"Unit 2,
(from the book, p.14; 1c,1d Vocabulary)

1) Complete the following sentences with these words.
achieved, board of directors, communicate, innovations, manageable, performance, resources, setting, supervise.

1.Managers have to decide how best to allocate the human, physical and capital .....
available to them.
2.Managers- logically- have to make sure that the jobs and tasks given to their subordinates are ......
3.There is no point in ....... objectives if you don't ....... them to your staff.
4.Managers have to ....... their subordinates, and to measure, and try to improve, their ........
5.Managers have to check wether objectives and targets are being .........
6.A top manager whose performance is unsatisfactory can be dismissed by the company's ...........
7.Top managers are responsible for the ........ that will allow a company to adapt to a changing world.

2) Match up these verbs and nouns to make common collocations:
1.allocate                             decisions
2.communicate                     information
3.develop                             jobs
4.make                                 objectives
5.measure                             people
6.motivate                            performance
7.perform                             resources
8.set                                     strategies
9.supervise                           subordinates

Video: "Working Smarter with Business Process Management"

Questions to the video above:

1)Answer the questions:
1.What kind of challenges do organizations around the world face with?
2.What is BPM(Business Process Management)?
3.What are the advantages of BPM?
4.What benefits did a multinational financing company get after implementing BPM process of modeling and analysis?
5.Why did the multinational financing company continue to apply BPM?
6.What problems did a large specialty retailer face with?
7.What did the company change/introduce in its policy during the implementation of BPM?
8.What has changed after the implementing of BPM?
9.What problems did an Asian mobile communications service provider face with?
10.What has happened in Asian MCS after the implementing of BPM? What are the results?

2)What the words below were used for in the video:
1.Business process management;
2.toughest business challenges;
3.5 million USD;
4.advantages of BPM for Multinational financing company;
5.a large specialty retailer struggled;
6.increased sales by 30%;
7.needed more agility in its business and operations support system;
8.dynamic BPM;
9.industry frameworks.

3)True or False questions:
1.BPM is business product marketing.
2.Everyday organizations around the world face with mountain challenges.
3.BPM powered by Smart SOA from Intel can help you solve your toughest business challenges.
4.BPM cannot deliver fast payback in any economic climate.
5.The implementation of BPM helped a multinational financing company to save 10 billion USD.
6.A multinational financing company continued to apply BPM for continuous process improvement and for identifying ongoing cost savings.
7.A large specialty retailer faced with a problem of lack in qualified sales managers.
8.A large specialty retailer has implemented BPM in order to solve certain problems.
9.An Asian Mobile Communications service provider needed more agility in its business and operations support system.
10.BPM from IBM makes getting started and obtaining fast payback easy.

4)Fill in the following statements:
1.BPM is business ... management.
2.Everyday organizations around the world face with ...
3.BPM powered by ... from IBM can help you solve your toughest business challenges.
4.BPM can deliver fast ... in any economic climate.
5.The implementation of BPM helped ... to save 5 million USD.
6.A large specialty retailer has increased sales by ...
7.A large specialty retailer faced with a problem of ...
8.... makes getting started and obtaining fast payback easy.
9.An Asian Mobile Communications service provider needed ... in its business and operations support system.
10.... has implemented BPM in order to solve certain problems.

Authors: Michitiuc Marina, Boldurat Mariana

воскресенье, 16 января 2011 г.

Company Structure

Most organizations have a hierarchical or pyramidal structure, with one person or a group of people at the top, and an increasing number of people below them at each successive level. There is a clear line or chain of command running down the pyramid. All the people in the organization know what decisions they are able to make, who their superior (or boss) is (to whom they report), and who their immediate subordinates are (to whom they can give instructions).
Some people in an organization have colleagues who help them: for example, there might be an Assistant to the Marketing Manager. This is known as a staff position: its holder has no line authority, and is not integrated into the chain of command, unlike, for example, the Assistant Marketing Manager, who is number two in the marketing department.
Yet the activities of most companies are too complicated to be organized in a single hierarchy of layers. Shortly before the first world war, the French industrialist Henry Fayol organized his coal-mining business according to the functions that it had to carry out. He is generally credited with inventing functional organization. Today, most large manufacturing organizations have a functional structure, including (among others) production, finance, marketing, sales, and personnel or staff departments. This means, for example, that the production and marketing departments cannot take financial decisions without consulting the finance department.
Functional organization is efficient, but there are two standard criticisms. Firstly, people are usually more concerned with the success of their department than that of the company, so there are permanent battles between, for example, finance and marketing, or marketing and production, which have incompatible goals. Secondly, separating functions is unlikely to encourage innovation.
Yet for a large organization manufacturing a range of products, having a single production department is generally inefficient. Consequently, most large companies are decentralized, following the model of Alfred Sloan, who divided General Motors into separate operating divisions in 1920. Each division had its own engineering, production and sales departments, made a different category of car (but with some overlap, to encourage internal competition), and was expected to make a profit.
Businesses that cannot be divided into autonomous divisions with their own markets can simulate decentralization, setting up divisions that deal with each other using internally determined transfer prices. Many banks, for example, have established commercial, corporate, private banking, international and investment divisions.
An inherent problem of hierarchies is that people at lower levels are unable to make important decisions, but have to pass on responsibility to their boss. One solution to this is matrix management, in which people report to more than one superior. For example, a product manager with an idea might be able to deal directly with managers responsible for a certain market segment and for a geographical region, as well as the managers responsible for the traditional functions of finance, sales and production. This is one way of keeping authority at lower levels, but it is not necessarily a very efficient one. Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman, in their well-known book In Search of Excellence, insist on the necessity of pushing authority and autonomy down the line, but they argue that one element - probably the product - must have priority; four-dimensional matrices are far too complex.
A further possibility is to have wholly autonomous, temporary groups or teams that are responsible for an entire project, and are split up as soon as it is successfully completed. Teams are often not very good for decision-making, and they run the risk of relational problems, unless they are small and have a lot of self-discipline. In fact they still require a definite leader, on whom their success probably depends.

Большинство организации имеют иерархическую или пирамидальную структуру, с одним человеком или группой людей наверху, и увеличивающегося числа людей ниже них на каждом последовательном уровне. Есть свободный путь или цепь инстанций, сокращающая пирамиду. Все люди в организации знают, какое решение они являются в состоянии сделать, кто их начальник (или босс) - (к кому они сообщают), и кто их непосредственные подчиненные - (кому они могут дать инструкции). Эта структура - один из самых простых, и это также назвало структуру линии.
Некоторые люди в организации имеют коллег, которые помогают им: например, мог бы быть Помощник мэнэджера по Маркетингу. Это известно как положение штата: его держатель не имеет никакой власти линии, и не объединен в цепь инстанций, в отличие от этого, например, Помощник мэнэджера по Маркетингу , который является номер два в маркетинговом отделе. Эта структура известна как структура штата.
Все же действия большинства компаний слишком усложнены, чтобы быть организованными в единственной иерархии. Незадолго до Первой Мировой войны, французский промышленник Генри Фэйол организовывал его бизнес добычи угля согласно функциям, которые это должно было выполнить. Ему вообще приписывают изобретение функциональной организации, включая (среди других) производство, финансы, маркетинг, продажи, и отделы штата или персонал. Функциональный тип структуры организации отражает договоренность, основанную по природе действий, которые должны быть выполнены. Связанные действия группируются в функциональных областях, с которыми они наиболее ясно идентифицированы. Руководитель каждой области занимает положение на втором уровне организации и вообще имеет названия Вице-президента. Это означает, например, что производство и маркетинговые отделы не могут принять финансовые решения, не консультируясь с отделом финансов. Функциональная структура учитывает координацию связанных действий, таким образом уменьшая риск здания империи специализированными областями и приводящий к большей эффективности. Большинство различающей особенности структуры - то, что менеджеры штата могут иметь линию (функциональная) власть для их специфических действий. Но в функциональной структуре запрос мог быть заказом. Поскольку я уже сказал, что функциональная структура эффективна, но есть две стандартной критики. Во-первых, люди обычно более заинтересуются успехом их отдела чем та из компании, таким образом есть постоянные сражения между, например, финансируйте и маркетинг, или маркетинг и производство, которые имеют несовместимые цели. Во-вторых, отделение функционирует, вряд ли поощрит новшество.
Унаследованная проблема иерархий состоит в том, что люди на более низком уровне являются неспособными принять важное решение, но должны передать ответственность перед их боссом. Одно решение этого - матричное управление, в котором люди сообщают больше чем одному начальнику. Например, менеджер продукта с идеей мог бы быть в состоянии иметь дело непосредственно с менеджерами, ответственными за определенную долю рынка и за географическую область, так же как менеджеров, ответственных за традиционные функции финансов, продаж и производства. Это - один способ держать власть на более низких уровнях, но это - не обязательно очень эффективный. Томас Петерс и Роберт Уотерман в их книге “В поисках Превосходства” настаивают на потребности подталкивания власти и автономии вниз линия, но они утверждают, что один элемент - вероятно продукт - должен иметь приоритет; четырехмерные матрицы слишком сложны.
Дальнейшая возможность состоит в том, чтобы иметь совершенно автономные, временные группы или сроки, которые являются ответственными за весь проект, и разделены, как только это успешно закончено. Сроки часто не хороши для принятия решения, и они рискуют относительными проблемами, если они не являются маленькими и имеют много самодисциплины. Фактически они все еще требуют определенного лидера, от которого вероятно зависит их успех.

Majoritatea companiilor au o structura ierarhica sau piramidala, cu o singura persoana sau un grup de persoane in virf, si cu un numar crescator de persone sub ei la fiecare nivel succesiv.
Exista o linie bine definita sau un lant de comanda care se afla pe tot intregul piramidei. Toti angajatii companiei stiu ce fel de decizii ei pot sa intreprinda(face), cine le este superior( sau sef, cui ei raporteaza) si cine este subordonatul lor( cui pot da ei instructii).
Unii oameni intr-o organizatie au colegi care ii ajuta : spre exemplu , s-ar putea sa existe un Asistent al Managerului de Marketing. Aceasta este cunoscut ca o pozitie de personal : detinatorul ei nu are autoritate pe linia de comanda si nu este integrat in lantul de conducere, spre deosebire de Managerul Asistent Marketing, care este numarul doi in departamentul de marketing.
Pe deasupra activitatile majoritatii companiilor sunt prea complicate pentru a fi organizate intr-o singura ierarhie. In scurt timp dupa primul razboi mondial, industrialistul francez Henry Fayol si-a organizat afacerea de extragere a carbunelui in concordanta cu functiile care trebuie indeplinite. El este in general acreditat cu inventarea organizatiilor functionale. Astazi majoritatea companiilor de manufactura au o structura functionala incluzind( printre altele) productie, finantare, marketing, vinzari si departamente de personal. Aceasta inseamna spre exemplu ca departamentul de productie si marketing nu pot lua decizii finale fara a consulta departamentul financiar.
Organizarea functionala este eficienta, insa sunt doua critici standart. Prima este ca oamenii sunt de obicei mult mai ingrijorati cu sucesul departamentului lor decit cel al companiei, asa ca sunt batalii permanente dintre spre exemplu : finante si marketing sau marketing si productie, care au goluri incompatibile. A doua critica este ca functiile separate nu incurajeaza inovatiile.
Insa pentru o organizatie mare manufacturarea unei diversitati de produse, avind un singur departament de productie este in general ineficient. Consecvent, majoritatea companiilor mari sunt descentralizate, urmind modelul lui Alfred Sloan, care a impartit General Motors in diviziuni operationale separate in anul 1992. Fiecare diviziune avea propriul department de inginerie, productie si vinzari, fachind o categorie diferita de masini( dar cu ceva scapari, pentru a incuraja competitia interna) si era de asteptat sa aiba un profit.
Afacerile care nu pot fi divizate in diviziuni autonome cu propria lor piata pot stimula descentralizarea, facind diviziuni care sa se ocupe intre ele folosind preturi de transfer determinate intern. Multe banci, spre exemplu, au inaugurat diviziuni comerciale, corporative, de banci private, internationale si de investitii.
O problema inerenta a ierarhiilor este ca oamenii de la nivelurile mai inferioare sunt incapabili de a lua decizii importante, dar trebuie sa paseze responsabilitatea catre seful lor. O solutie este managementul matrice in care oamenii raporteaza la mai multi superiori.  Spre exemplu, un manager de productie cu o idee ar putea sa se adreseze direct unui manager responsabil pentru un anumit segment de piata si pentu o arie geografica, precum si managerii responsabili pentru functionarea traditionala a finantelor, vinzarilor si productiei. Aceasta este una dintre felurile de a tine autoritatea la niveluri joase, dar nu este neaparat cea mai eficienta. Thomas Peters si Robert Waterman, in prea cunoscuta lor carte « In cautarea excelentei », insista spre necesitatea impingerii autoritatii si autonomiei la nivelul inferior de administrare, dar ei s-au contrazis in privinta la un singur element si probabil productul – trebuie sa aiba prioritate ; matricele patru dimensionale sunt mult prea complicate.
O posibilitate indepartata este de a avea autonomie totala, grupuri temporare sau echipe care sa fie responsabile pentu un proiect intreg, si sunt despartite cit de curind proiectul este terminat cu succes. Echipele nu sunt de obicei prea bune la luarea deciziilor si duc spre riscul problemelor relationale, cu exceptia daca ele sunt mici si au o mare disciplina. De fapt ele tot necesita un lider definit, de care succesele  lor probabil vor depinde.

Watch the video on labor unions and answer the questions
1. Who is at the top of the organization?
2. What are the functions of CEO?
3. Who are on the second level?
4. What is the function of the board of directors? 
5. What are the types of Directors and their functions
6. Who are at the 3rd level in an organization and what is their function?  
7. Who are at the 4th level in the pyramid of organization?
8. How are called the other employees and what are their function?
9. What means “span of control”?
10. Which are the types of control?

Watch the video very carefully and explain what they were used for?( in the context)
1. span of control
2. centralized structure
3. senior management team
4. decision makers
5. decentralized structure
6. alternative decision making system
7. matrix structure
8. conflicts of loyalty
9. Henry Mintzberg
10. ideology

Correct the following sentences.
1. The functions of CEO are to lead the team of employees, to represent the desires ideas of management, to formulate the organization objectives.
2. On the second level are the supervisors and team leaders.
3. The executive director works part time and makes decisions about the everyday running of the business.
4. The nonexecutive director works full time.
5. The managers are responsible for a team of people and day to day implementation of state policy.
6. Span of control means the number of people which are directly accountable by a group of manager.
7. At the 3rd level in the pyramid of organization are supervisors and team leaders.
8. There are 3 types of span control.
9. Operatives are the managers on the 3rd top of organization.
10.  In the decentralized structure of organization the authority and decision making is kept to the higher levels of pyramid.

Fill in the following statements.
1. The____________ works full time and makes decisions about the everyday running of the business.
2. The nonexecutive directors who don’t work __________.
3. _____________________ means the number of people which are directly accountable by a single manager.
4. At the top of the organization is_____________.
5. ________________ their function is to carry out the activity instructed by the supervisors and team leaders.

Made by : Mardari Dumitru & Sirotinschi Chiril